"To become and stay healthy can not be achieved without your willingness or/and commitment to do so."
First, I'm going to define 'health or healthy status'. Based on WHO, health is a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing, and not merely the absence of illness. However, in this article, i'm going to define health in a fairly different way, and the reason i'm doing this is that I have realized that health, based on WHO's definition, does not really exist even in the most developed nations where Universal Health Plan (HPL) is executed. If physical, mental, and social wellbeing are the criteria for being healthy, do you think Europeans who live in a secured society and have 24-hour-a-day access to health services are defined healthy? The answer is NO. Why? Because they lack the second criterion-mental wellbeing. Most of them suffer from academic, professional, and relationship stress and other mental problems. Now, let's think about those living in non-secured developing countries most of whom do not have access to health services. So, they all are not healthy? I hope you should be able to get my point by now.
I have read several debate articles on 'Does health exist?' and i agree with the authors that people should be defined healthy if they meet the following 3 simple criteria:
1. Nutrition
Our body needs proper food and water to survive and grow. In general, people seem to be able to tell what foods their bodies need to function properly and to be healthy.
2. Action
Being active is important in keeping our body healthy because human body was made to be physically active. The heart needs to pump fast once in a while to keep its muscle tone. Your lungs need exercise to function the way they were made to function. Using the body is important to maintaining your health. In this context, handicapped people can also be considered healthy if they can use any parts of their body in any way.
3. Adaptable environment
Don't be confused! I'm not talking about social wellbeing, but adaptable environment in which you are living. Even you are in a non-secured or polluted society, if you can adapt to it, you will find your way to becoming healthy. Well, let me break away from health topic to talking about pollution. Do you agree with me that pollution occurs everywhere, regardless of its level? If you do, then you might think that there are no healthy people, according to WHO. That's the point i'm trying to make! Even pollution exists everywhere, people still can become and stay healthy if they can adapt to the polluted environment, by any means of protection, for example.
Now that you know the 3 simple criteria of becoming healthy, you should also be aware of the controllable threats to your health in order to remain healthy for your possible and appropriate time. Of course, you can't be healthy and live forever. It's again nature! And, i'm talking about controllable threats here because there are also non-controllable threats to your health. Nature is one nice example such non-controllable threats to your health, following by birth/genetic defects or malformation being the second most common threat you yourself can't control or change. Simply put, as time passes by, you get old, weak, and ill by natural (or physiological) regulations.
The below controllable threats, on the other hand, can be prevented, thus helping you remain healthy.
1. Inappropriate alimentation or/and eating habits
Eat enough but not too much or too frequent. Being overweight can harm your health.
2. Improper exercise
Not using your various parts and organs can cause them to atrophy or degenerate. Yet, sometimes using a part too much can cause injury or excessive wear.
3. Sickness
Germs, bacteria, molds, and viruses may attack parts of our bodies, trying to infiltrate and use the body as a home or source of food. Not only can they destroy our cells, but they often may release poisons that can harm our whole being. Cleanliness is one defense against disease.
Oops! I don't mean you need to be sterile to remain healthy. Poor people can also avoid sickness due to the invasion of these little organisms (i.e. bacteria, viruses) simply by taking good care of themselves especially during sleeping, ingestion and urination/defecation. Being too clean or sterile, on the contrary, is sometimes believed to NOT activate the natural defense in your body which is needed to maintain your health.
4. Poison
You can be poisoned by ingesting the wrong material. Sometimes poisons are subtle parts of the environment, such as smoke or drugs. Being aware of potential poisons and taking measures to avoid or prevent them also helps you stay healthy.
Now that you have read about the 3 simple criteria to being healthy and their controllable threats, ask yourself whether you are willing and committed to becoming and remaining healthy or not? If you just want to be healthy and are not committed enough, what i have spent days doing research on and writing about is probably useless for you, as mentioned in my very first sentence of this article.
It's not easy but so simple!